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Makena Macey

Makena Macey

Makena Macey Research Assistant

ASAP Lab Holiday Social!

ASAP Lab Holiday Social!

In December 2023, our lab got together and played re-gifting white elephant. Exchanged gifts included jigsaw puzzle, books, a set of scented olive oils, essential oils, moon and cat shaped lamps, ornament, mug cups, and more!

Kseniia Voronkova

Kseniia Voronkova Communications and Recruitment Coordinator

Kyla Phan

Kyla Phan Research Assistant

Yoosung Chung

Yoosung Chung Research Assistant

Dr. Rachel Lees

Dr. Rachel Lees Post Doctoral Researcher

Dr. Veronica Dudarev

Dr. Veronica Dudarev Research Associate