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Pathways research presented at the CIRCA Colloquium Series

Pathways research presented at the CIRCA Colloquium Series

On October 14th 2020, Drs Katherine Cost, Anat Zaidman-Zait and Pat Mirenda presented research from the Pathways in ASD project as part of the CIRCA (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism) Colloquium series. You can read more about the presentation and follow the link to watch the recorded talk below: “Best Things”: Parents […]

Welcome to our new ASAP lab members!

This year, we have welcomed six new people to the ASAP lab – postdoctoral research Alana, graduate student Elise, and research assistants Anika, Em, Hira and Taylor. We are so excited for them to join our group, and looking forward to all of the work we will do together. Welcome, everyone!