Pathways research presented at the CIRCA Colloquium Series

On October 14th 2020, Drs Katherine Cost, Anat Zaidman-Zait and Pat Mirenda presented research from the Pathways in ASD project as part of the CIRCA (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism) Colloquium series.

You can read more about the presentation and follow the link to watch the recorded talk below:

“Best Things”: Parents Describe Their Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Over Time

This presentation will summarize the results of a study that examined parental perceptions of the character strengths of their children with autism from early childhood to age 11. Parental descriptions of the “best things” about their children were coded using the basic framework of the Values in Action Classification of Strengths. Results are congruent with a contemporary neurodiversity perspective that emphasizes strengths and resilience.

Katherine Cost, Ph.D., Research Associate, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Anat Zaidman-Zait, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Pat Mirenda, Ph.D., Professor, University of British Columbia

Watch the recorded talk here